Team Work Doesn’t Come Easily to JR Smith

NBA player, JR Smith who plays guard for the New York Knicks, seems to be having a tough time understanding the concept of teamwork. Smith was recently asked whether he was finding it difficult moving past the shooter mentality and adopting a team-first approach to his game.
“Yeah, absolutely,” he replied. “I mean, believe it or not, being the type of player I’ve been, it’s a struggle. I’m not going to lie.”
Smith went on to tell “Trying to think about the rest of the team over myself or my scoring is something that I never really had to do before. I’ve always been in a situation to score, [now I’m] in position to take my time and let the game come and let my teammates succeed more than myself, I think that’s the ultimate win.”
Smith has been trying to adjust his play to incorporate the triangle policy being preached by Knicks coach Derek Fisher and president Phil Jackson.
Jackson commented on Smith’s gameplay, saying that he is “easily the best athlete on the team.”
“But J.R. has to learn the difference between a good shot and a bad shot,” he added. “He has to trust that the triangle will create good shots and to avoid searching for his own shot.”
“His defense also needs work because he tends to be a ball-watcher, and he’s late in chasing his man around screens when he should be tailgating him,” Jackson added. “Defense is the key to any winning team, so Smith has to really work hard on his deficiencies in training camp.”
Smith signed with the New York Knicks in 2012 after playing in China during the NBA lockout. While he has been a fan-favorite, his play has not been without controversy. In September last year he was suspended for five games for violating the NBA’s anti-drug policy, and early this year he was fined $50K for repeatedly untying players’ shoelaces.