NBA Star Ray Allen Presses Charges Against Teen Intruders

NBA star Ray Allen has insisted that charges be brought against seven teens who walked into his home through an unlocked door in the middle of the night, mainly out of pure curiosity. While police first stated that they wouldn’t press charges, are they were convinced that the teens did not intend to commit a crime, Ray and his wife insisted that the seven be taught a lesson and asked for them to face misdemeanor trespassing charges.
The teens apparently decided to enter the house at around 2.30 am last week after attending a party in the neighborhood, believing that nobody was home. They later told the police that they thought it would be ‘cool’ to walk through the home of an NBA star. Allen’s wife, however, was home and she immediately called 911 after being woken by a flashlight in her bedroom and the seven teens traipsing around.
“They were like as if they were on a tour, pointing out stuff: ‘Oh, wow, look at this picture. Oh, my God, look, he’s got a flat-screen TV,” Shannon Walker Allen later recalled. “I just sat up in bed and said, ‘What the f*** are you doing in my house?”
The Allens criticized the police for not pressing charges, and after consulting with an attorney, put out a statement saying that “the suggestion that anyone can unlawfully enter into someone’s locked home … in the middle of the night without consequences is unsettling.”
After speaking with police, the Allens were satisfied when they were told that charges would be pressed. The teens will receive a summons to appear in court and could face up to one year in prison each. If they are first-time offenders, sentences will be considerably more lenient.