Alvarez vs Mosley – A Super Boxer to Arise?

If you’re a true boxing fan (not the fan that only watches Pacquiao and Mayweather fights) you know there are some very exciting and compelling matchups this year. While no “Super Fight” is on the horizon, there’s some very interesting bouts.
First we have Canello Alvarez vs Shane Mosley. This is true extreme differences: Age vs Experience. Canello is young but you get that feeling when watching him fight that he doesn’t exactly look like the green horn. In fact the amount of wins and fights this youngster already has is pretty impressive despite many of the opponents not exactly being star quality. Overall Canello is a charismatic boxer at the age of 21, with his boylike face, physically built body and what you picture a boxer should fight like. But other than those attractions, Canello has not done anything truly ‘major’ in his career and he hasn’t always looked the sharpest against the not so top league fighters.
Mosley on the other hand is old (for boxing), but he doesn’t really show any signs of that age. He still has that classic boxing look with a well kept mental sharpness about him. Not to mention his strength is a bit unexpected when you look at his stature.
On the other hand Mosley has already faught Mayweather and despite his obvious shortage of speed and ability to do much aside from the second round he still poses a threat for so many.
What really makes this fight so compelling is the matchup it may set. Mayweather has agreed to fight Canello barring he wins over Mosley. Canello had called Mayweather out in his last fight but Mayweather has his eyes on other opponents such as Miguel Cotto first. Ironically Canello will be fighting on the undercard of this fight. If you’re going to buy a PPV event this year, this is the one to do so.
This match really will identify where Canello Alvarez is in his career. If he can’t handle Mosely, it doesn’t appear he ‘should’ be a top name. I still believe his charisma will keep his name being thrown around amongst future bouts in this action packed weight division. If Mosley wins what do we really get out of it? He now seems more of a measuring stick for other fighters.
Check below for the other compelling matchups we have in 2012, I should have them posted soon, unless you’re reading this first write up.